The following list includes all Registered Dietitians within Newfoundland and Labrador.

Please note that Temporary Members become full Members following the successful completion of the Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Exam (CDRE) which is written twice per year. All members listed in the directory are Active unless otherwise stated.

Last updated: The Dietitians listed are registered from April 1, 2024-March 31, 2025

All | A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R S T V W Z
There are currently 18 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Barker, Deidre

Barney, Emily

Barry, Susan

Bartlett, Leah

Blackwood, K. Lynn

Blundell, Lisa

Bowes, Katherine

Boyd, Heidi

Brewer, Juanita

Brining, Heidi

Brothers Yetman, Lisa

Brown, Vanessa

Buckle, Hannah

Burgess, Lesley

Burton, Erica

Burton, Jennifer

Burton, Sarah

Burton, Shelly