The Newfoundland & Labrador College of Dietitians regulates the profession of dietetics to protect the public. Responding to complaints is important for public protection, we investigate all complaints about a Registered Dietitian’s professional conduct, competence or capacity to practice safely.

Read the information below to find out how to make a complaint.

For assistance, contact the Registrar & Executive Coordinator or Chair of the NLCD Board of the College at 709-753-4040 or 1-877-753-4040


  • Your complaint must be sent to the College in a recorded format.
  • You can make a complaint in writing (email or letter)
  • In your complaint, include:  the name of the dietitian, describe what happened, where the incident took place and who was involved.
  • Include your name and your contact information.
  • If the complaint is made by several people, each person is to sign the complaint and give their contact information.
  • Submit the complaint to the Registrar & Executive Coordinator or Chair of the NLCD Board of the College.